Interinstitutional Postdoc Onboarding Event 2023

The Health + Life Science Alliance Heidelberg Mannheim gave their warm welcome to its new members at the Postdoc Onboarding Event on December 4.
Michael Platten (Director Neurology Department, University Hospital Mannheim) and Andrea Leibfried (Alliance Administrative Director) kicked off the event with a spirited introduction of the Alliance’s mission and the opportunities and research landscape in the region.

The participants got to know each other and their respective research projects through an ice-braker game and short presentations.

Afterwards the community networked and continuted to discuss science in a relaxed atmosphere with food and drinks.

Take a look at the event and watch the pictures (below) and the videos on our YouTube channel.

The call for the Interinstitutional Postdocs is currently open with the deadline on April 5, 2024.


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