Heidelberg Mannheim Health & Life
Science Alliance
The world’s first medical campus was founded in the Bergheim district of Heidelberg in the mid-1800’s – pioneering modern clinical facilities and sparking a host of innovations in medical research and teaching. More than 150 years later, life science and medical researchers and institutions in the Rhine-Neckar region are joining forces in the Heidelberg Mannheim Health & Life Science Alliance and preparing to take a quantum leap in innovative research, patient care and health economy.
The alliance
The world’s first medical campus was founded in the Bergheim district of Heidelberg in the mid-1800’s – pioneering modern clinical facilities and sparking a host of innovations in medical research and teaching. More than 150 years later, life science and medical researchers and institutions in the Rhine-Neckar region are joining forces in the Heidelberg Mannheim Health & Life Science Alliance and preparing to take a quantum leap in innovative research, patient care and health economy.
The alliance
»The density of outstanding university and extra-university research institutions offers a unique opportunity to develop the Heidelberg-Mannheim region as a top world region for life science and health research, and for the transfer of research results. With the Innovation Campus Health & Life Science Alliance we can build new bridges in the region with our lighthouse projects and innovative high tech platforms, as well as recruit outstanding talents to Baden-Württemberg.«
The knowledge region
With the Excellence University of Heidelberg, the two medical faculties and two university hospitals in Heidelberg and Mannheim and a number of research centres considered national and international leaders in their fields – the German Cancer Research Center (DKFZ), the European Molecular Biology Laboratory (EMBL), the Max Planck Institute for Medical Research (MPI-mF) and the Central Institute of Mental Health (ZI) – the Rhine-Neckar region boasts a unique research and development network in the fields of medicine, life sciences and medical engineering. This network is situated at the heart of a region that is home to multinational economic powerhouses like BASF, Merck, Sanofi and Roche and to more than 400 small and medium health sector enterprises. To strengthen this innovation hub and make it even more competitive, the Heidelberg and Mannheim university hospitals, the two medical faculties and the university’s life science centres want to join forces with non-university partners in an alliance that will be the first of its kind in Germany.
The knowledge region
»With joint university medical facilities, an innovative research and development network of outstanding institutions on and off campus and strong industrial partners, the Heidelberg Mannheim Health & Life Science Alliance unleashes enormous potential: it will raise patient care to a new level, considerably accelerate the transfer of research findings to industry, strengthen the profile of the region and give policy-makers the means to help shape national and international science and health policy as major stakeholders.«
The new leading industry
The life sciences are the foundation of health science and the health economy; they will be strengthened in all areas, from prevention and diagnosis to therapy. Far from being limited to patient care, this field offers the potential to build a new industry based on innovative technologies and carbon-based materials: DNA-like data storage systems allow information to be stored for longer than ever before. Exoskeletons developed by robotics engineers support the spinal column and can even replace limbs. Novel materials and molecular machines are not just important for translating findings into clinical practice, but also accelerate their transfer into technical applications. The cities of Heidelberg and Mannheim expect this alliance to create high-quality jobs and attract new skilled workers to the region; they are already actively supporting the alliance, especially start-ups in the fields of biotechnology, pharmaceutical engineering and medical engineering.
Geschäftsstelle der Heidelberg Mannheim Health & Life Science Alliance
Im Neuenheimer Feld 130.1 69120 Heidelberg
Tel. +49 6221 – 54 5101